Sunday Jul 22, 2012
"Everything I Know"
Sunday Jul 22, 2012
Sunday Jul 22, 2012
This would be the "B-side" of the "Sun Is Shining" single, if such a format still existed. Originally recorded as a demo for LiLi Roquelin, producer Bruce Gordon identified it as a potential candidate for the upcoming Sam Scozzari album, Some of Adam's DNA. LiLi went on to co-author and record "Oh Brother" for her forthcoming album (another song on the song demo in that session), and "Everything I Know" was recorded at Greenpoint Studios with Bruce Gordon as producer. Written by Sam Scozzari, (p)published by Sam Scozzari Publishing BMI, (c) 2005, 2012 Sam Scozzari - lead and background vocals, drums, piano, organ, keyboard vibes Bruce Gordon - all guitars, background vocals ("she...")