Thursday Mar 03, 2011
The BANDWAGON: April 03, 2010
Thursday Mar 03, 2011
Thursday Mar 03, 2011
An hour of connections, literally and figuratively...unsigned artists with a chunk of material linked to or from Rochester NY...the b-side of that Resurrection single played during It's My Vinyl !!!, a track co-written by John Kralles and Sam Scozzari, "Keep On Lovin'", featuring Kevin Dehond on lead vocals, and then Kevin Dehond's new solo material from his latest album, Life In A Box, into a Sam Scozzari demo, "Baby I Do", which was recorded on a hand-held cassette player. The program continues with Rochesterian and former Duke Jupiter founding member, Marshall Styler, from his latest instrumental works. Avi Wisnia, good friend of LiLi Roquelin, who performed a song co-written with Sam Scozzari ("Come And Hear My Story") in the first hour, and then another track during this hour from her new album, Will You Hate The Rest Of The World Or Will You Renew Your Life?, "Give You My Love". Sam Scozzari draft song receptor (but he hasn't recorded one, yet!), Dan Ferrari, is also featured, and then followed by a reunited Two's Company from Rochester NY playing the track, "I Wanna Girl", co-authored by lead vocalist and keyboardist Frank Herkimer and, you guessed it!, Sam Scozzari. Other superb unsigned artist are also featured in this hour, and they are discussed during the podcast, so check it out! The program closes as it started at 03:00 with music from Todd Rundgren's Something/Anything?, an inspiration to many. This program aired between 5am and 6am.