
Friday Oct 29, 2010
April 2008 Archives: April 12, 2008 The Band Wagon
Friday Oct 29, 2010
Friday Oct 29, 2010
Unsigned artists as presented back on April 12, 2008: a little mini-focus on some Rochester NY folks: Duke Jupiter (was signed, now unsigned), Rocker, and James Adamo from Penfield. The same sound quality disclaimer applies to any archive...ya dig? You see, I have a bowling ball bag (bought at a tag sale) chock full of CDs plus three spindles of CDs that represents 2.5 years of shows on WWUH...and some of them, well, when i would stop fast on the interstate, they would fly off the seat of my car and be underneath the carpets for a few weeks at a time, and well, they sometimes became scratched....not like rap music, but like, when someone forgets to put the LP in the cover...but there's still alot of good music, and you can put it in your iPod and listen all day...and why wouldn't you, right? Thanks for listening - srs